The glory days

Created by Leila 2 years ago

Al and I worked together at Total Media many moons ago. He was my boss and for a long time it was just the two of us - we were the TV team. We sat side by side in a pokey little corner of the office, which I am pretty sure was behind a boiler but accommodated our small yet perfectly formed team adequately. 

In hindsight, this possibly contributed to Al's desire to want to be out of the office as much as possible. Something I was very much on board with. 

Though I did not know this at the time, this period at Total Media working with Al, was the start of my glory days in Media and Al was my guide.

Thanks to Al, by my mid 20s I had eaten in the best restaurants London had to offer, built up a tolerance for drinking, learnt what an edamame bean was (and most importantly how to eat it) and had met some of the loveliest people in our industry. Al had a radar for great people. He valued relationships over everything and many lifelong friendships were formed over a working lunch or a "quick pint down The Dev".

When I think of Al, I think of his infectious smile and generous spirit.

So, Al - thank you so much for being the gentlest and most laid back boss I ever had, for putting up with me and my alcohol intolerance, for teaching me the importance of bonding with business partners over a steak, and for sharing the glory days.

R.I.P xx


