Al, Alan, Ali Munday, Al Friday, dear friend, total gem

Created by Matt 2 years ago

We met, well It must've been over 15 years ago (Al would have known exactly) we are quite different which is one of the reasons why I think we worked so well together. That and the fact that Al always saw straight through any of my bull**** really helped, otherwise we would have fallen out countless times! He always thought the best in people, which made him a great friend and also brilliant at his job.

His job, when we started to work together, was the classic 4 and a half days per week, this is where the name Al Friday came from -  almost impossible to find on a Friday afternoon. This provided ammo for the rest of the team, and boy we needed anything we could get our hands on, because Al was always first in the office and last to leave. The early morning chats where you wheel your chair over and gossip a bit (me) and think about clients (Al) will be dearly missed, you could always count on Al to lend an ear to anything. 

Alan didn't come out loads, probably a lot less than I ever made out (I'm sure Al knew when and where) this was the Al that got a lit bit more lively after a few glasses of wine, letting his hair down and unbuttoning the shirt (to a maximum of 2) This is when Al would be at his most animated, his love for the simpsons, Felix, sopranos, beavertown, Kate, spurs, the team he worked with, NBA, crouch end, Grensons just pouring out of him - with that beaming, unforgettable smile on his face.

We did loads of work trips together, all of which hold fond memories, eating wings watching basketball in L.A., drinking Guinness putting football bets on in Dublin, but the best trips were always to the Ship round the corner from MJ Media, Al loved that pub and its easy to see why - honest, authentic, genuine, fun - all the things Al is in droves. Al was always way more than a colleague, he is a rarity, a true friend, that could always be counted on, knowing that he would always have your back, no matter what.

Al had endless amounts of all the amazing things you could ever want in a friend, oodles of warmth, compassion, generosity, and then some, its now I realise what an awesome role model he was to me, forever in my heart,

Your friend Matt
