Al - Our super nice, clever and talented TV expert - Greater Anglia

Created by Ela 2 years ago

I've worked with Al several years since Greater Anglia first started working with MJ media, probably back in 2012!  He was ALWAYS so helpful, positive and just a generally lovely guy to work with.  Always so smiley, happy to help, and always super fun when we got together at Christmas and summer get-togethers where you could have a proper chat and really good laugh.  We'll never forget Al ordering the Sea Urhcin for us all to try at one of our Christmas meals!

The highlight for me is the absolutely stonking award entry Al produced for the Thinkbox awards.  It covered several year's worth of activity GA had undertaken with MJ/Once, and covered an incredible amount of detail and excellent results, and so of course we won!  Sadly the awards were virtual and not in person.  However, we managed to make it super fun, and think we were all absolutely buzzing afterwards.  I'm so pleased we all got to share that together and I managed to capture the virtual moment on my phone.


Al, honestly you were such a gem to work with.  I know you will be greatly missed.


Ela (Greater Anglia)
