My mate

Created by Simon 2 years ago

I first met Al back in the late noughties.  I’d got my first proper job in the games industry, and was feeling a bit apprehensive as I was suddenly surrounded by all these cool London media types.  I’d sit in agency meetings and think I really didn’t belong, and then I started working with the guys from MJ Media.  Al was quick to put me at ease – here was a guy that I could relate to, who made me feel that I did know what I was doing and I belonged.

Over the next few years the client/agency relationship blossomed, and I came to think of Al as a mate as well as a critical part of the agency team.  Professionally he was fantastic, always looking for innovative opportunities as well as delivering on the must haves.  He took the performance of our campaigns to another level, securing us opportunities that we had no right to obtain.  I’ve been lucky enough to progress in my career, and I know that a lot of that was down to Al – his success brought my success.  Sometimes you meet people in your professional life where it just ‘fits’ – I say sometimes because it doesn’t happen for everyone, but I was lucky when I met Al.

Whenever I’d arrive at an event or a meeting Al was always the first to appear and shake my hand, and make sure all was good.  We shared many chats about work, life, kids, and of course which Southampton player/manager Spurs had recently poached from us! 

I think about Al often, and will continue to do so.  I’ll remember him as a fantastic colleague, a fantastic friend, and a fantastic father.  I know that I will be in situations where my first thought will be ‘What would Al do?’, and will keep that to heart as I try and adjust to a world where I can’t pick up the phone to my mate and ask him that question.

Rest now my friend safe in the knowledge that so many people loved you, and that love will stay with Kate and Felix forever (as will you).
